The address of an item on the Internet, such as a Web page address, an ISP address, a specific user's E-Mail address, etc. (See URL).
Anonymous FTP
In order to download FTP files from a computer with public libraries (pub), when you hook up to the computer you need to type in "anonymous" in the username field and your E-Mail address in the password field. (See password, FTP, username, login.)
A program that performs a specific task. For example, Eudora is a program designed to send and receive E-Mail. Word is a program used for word processing, etc.
A program for file compression. ARC is a relatively old program, and today there are better programs available on the market, but many Internet files are still compressed using ARC. If a file ends with the letters "arc", it means the file was compressed by ARC. (See compression, data comprssion).
A search engine that searches for FTP files in databases scattered throughout the Internet, according the file's name and the name of the FTP site where it is located. (See FTP, search engine.)
A compressed directory (in order to save storage space) that includes one or more computer files.
(See compression, data compression.)
Specific software that enables users to navigate through the cyberspace of the World Wide Web. Netscape is one of the most popular browsers.
(See WWW, Netscape.)
When one computer is connected to another computer in order to receive information or utilize computer resources, it is called a client.
A way of shrinking a file in order to save space on your disk and reduce transmission time.
(See data compression.)
Data compression
The compression of data (text, sound, or graphics) in order to reduce the size of a file. The larger the file, the more time it takes to open or transfer it.
(See compression.)
Connecting to another computer and placing one of its files on your computer. (See FTP.)
FAQs- Frequently-Asked Questions
In many Internet tools and sites you'll find a list of commonly-asked questions and their answers. These include questions asked by users as well as questions posted to newsgroups. The aim of the FAQs list is to provide users with basic help and information. (See newsgroups.)
FTP- File Transfer Protocol
One of the main ways in which you can retrieve files from other computers on the Internet.
(See protocol.)
The Internet network computer that supplies Internet services (connection to Web sites, E-Mail service, etc.) (See ISP.)
Http-Hypertext Transport Protocol
The protocol used on the Internet for transferring Web pages. The letters "http" are also the first component of the URL address of a Web page, indicating a Web page that uses the http protocol.
(See Web page, Hypertext, Protocol, URL.)
Hypertext document
A Web page that has links to other addresses on the Internet. (See Web page, link, HTML.)
A graphic symbol that represents a file or computer function.
All networks and servers in the world that deal with Internet-related issues (WWW, Gopher, Newsgroups, E-Mail, FTP, IRC, etc.) and communicate with each other viaTCP/IP.
(See TCP, IP.)
ISP -Internet Service Provider
A host computer that provides Internet services to any user connected to it. (See host.)
Special sections on a Web page, usually underlined or of a different color, referring to other locations on the Internet. If you click on such an area, you will be taken directly to the item's location on the Internet, whether it's a Web page, a Gopher site, etc. (See Web page, hypertext, browser, HTML, hot link.)
MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
Software that compresses musical data. If a file ends with "mid", it means it was compressed by MIDI.
MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
A new Internet protocol for transferring non-textual data such as sound files, movie files, etc.
Mirror site
If a certain FTP site becomes very popular and is therefore extremely busy, its owner can create a mirror site - another FTP site with the same content. This relieves pressure from the original site. (See FTP, site.)
One of the most popular Web browsers. Netscape provides multimedia display of Web pages, FTP sites, Gopher, etc. In addition, it includes internal software for dealing with electronic mail and newsgroups. (See Gopher, FTP Usenet, E-Mail, browser.)
A code used to gain access to a system.
A language for communication between computers. Protocol consists of a series of rules and commands meant to allow for satisfactory communication between computers. The protocol that allows for communication on the Internet is TCP/IP.
(See TCP/IP.)
Search engine
Software that searches the Internet for Web sites, E-Mail addresses, Gopher sites, etc. by keywords or menu-based indexes. (See keywords, Lycos, Yahoo.)
A computer (usually a large, central one) that provides Internet services to those who contact it. Some of the services such a server provides include storing Web pages, transferring electronic mail, storing and managing newsgroup discussions, etc.
(See Usenet, E-Mail, Web page.)
A computer that supplies some sort of service. For example, a Web site provides Web services, an FTP site provides FTP services. (See Web site.)
Sending files to another computer.
(See downloading.)
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
A set format for displaying a Web page address on the Internet, for example: .
(See http, Web page.)
Web site
A computer that stores Web pages and lets Internet users open, see, and download the information on the pages as desired. (See Web page, WWW.)
WWW- World Wide Web
A system which stores and arranges information in Web page format. (See browser, Web site, Web page.)